So yes, i'm back.
and have been for about a week or so, but have been preoccupied with other stuff. And since i'm back i'll be doing another post after this with regards to the anime status i'll be on.
For this post, it'll be my happy post that i'll be doing my MSI Wind, which i am currently using ^__^
So yes, i had purchased the MSI Wind U100 - 120, exactly 7 days ago XD
and here's the link
i'm a bit annoyed and amused that its $10 cheaper after a week xD
oh well, i at least got one NOW and up and running.
i got the white one, instead of the black, no need to emphasis my stylishness with a laptop as an accessory xD.
However the wind is serving me well.
keyboard is actually right size, i no longer need to move my right hand at all, the right shift key is in the perfect place ^_^ and despite the downsizing of the , . / i'm still using them quite nicely.
i have yet to properly program on this laptop, and i probably will once i might get ubuntu up and running.
i'm a bit sad about the turbo power mode that i had read, but i had probably misconcieved its meaning, but hey, its all well and done, at least my power LED has 2 colours ^_^
i'm hoping this laptop will serve me well into the future
my only probable complaint is that my laptop will fall backwards, it seems that the screen is heavier than the body o_O
or its jsut a matter of a bad pivot point xD
aside from that, i realised i use the number 6 quite a bit due to emotes xD and have realised that it is sometimes harder to press or having the laptop recognize it being pressed.
the 6 cell battery, as it says gives me a max of 3.50 horus so far :/
i read it was 4, but i have yet to test, so we shall see.
Anyways, i'll probably won't isntall vista, depite reading on forums that vista apparently runs smoother than XP on the wind ^_^
Till then, happy happy wind ^_^