The tales series, most gamers should know about them, from snes to cube. I've only played one (and haven't finished yet -_-), Tales of Phantasia, and its a fun game.
Though Tales of Symphonia OVA is linked with the actual ToS game for GameCube, which i'll never play coz i don't own one.
Even so, ToS is decently made with only 4 episodes. While watching i was wondering how they managed to place the entire game within the story, but since i haven't played the game maybe someone can enlighten me. IS ToS OVA the entire game? or just part of it with regards to the first world?
I had already seen similarities between the Tales. Fantasy, then Sci-Fi, half-elves was added along with dimensional travelling ^_^ (this is my exp with tales of phantasia)
It is a bit sad you don't get to see all the moving around they do throughout the world, and all that battles, we just see the outcomes of all encounters. By doing this, they save unneccessary repeats of similar scenes and are able to play the keypoints in the plot. Seal Breaking (at least 1), Exsphere, the ending of this world to go to the next ^_^
with that said, the pacing would be decent, music isn't too bad, action scenes aren't too bad either. Sure you'd want to know more with what happens, but with that you gotta play the game right? xD
Either way, time wasn't wasted, it was a decent OVA.
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