Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Review: Ga Rei Zero

Ga Rei Zero.

The first episode where we had a majority of characters being killed off, making us wonder what's going to happen now?

Well, like backtrack methods, this is what it was. Except, it was the beginning of the ending. Rather than just the ending.

So from the second episode onwards, we get introduced properly to the main characters. Especially around Kagura and Yomi.
As mentioned in previous post (i hope), Ga Rei Zero is actually the prequel to the manga, and i'd say it does an alright job, i do feel slightly tempted to read the manga to see what actually happens now. However, i'm still content with just the anime.

I still love the OP ^_^. I can't remember the ED though....

I can't really say much about this, but if you like action, and girls with swords killing monsters a bit of romance and tragedy this one does a nice job to pass time. And for those who dislike their heroines becomming weak after falling in love with a guy. Don't worry, it doesn't happen here ^_^ The girls are strong (generally) throughout the series ^_^

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