Well.. its been 40 days since i started using my MSI U100 Wind.
this was found out because winrar had FINALLY asked me to register xD
i can't believe its been 40 days, seem so long and so short.
My laptop has been treating me well, and its still white ^_^ and the cover lid sticker is still on it XD
problems would mostly be the touchpad sometimes, and i think my fan has gotten loose a bit, it makes a sound sometimes. But dissappears eventually.
Keyboard is now mostly gotten use to too ^_^
i haveyet to get skype to use webcam, but i don't know anyone on skype -_-
the 6 button on the keyboard is still a pain sometimes too *sigh*
i'm still not entirely happy with the 1024x600 but in the end it doesn't bother me too much.
Overall: happy purchase ^_^
((i hear the u120 is suppose to be superior, but i don't think all that much change)
Exceeding and Breaking Boundaries that Attempt to Hold you Down.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tales of Symphonia
The tales series, most gamers should know about them, from snes to cube. I've only played one (and haven't finished yet -_-), Tales of Phantasia, and its a fun game.
Though Tales of Symphonia OVA is linked with the actual ToS game for GameCube, which i'll never play coz i don't own one.
Even so, ToS is decently made with only 4 episodes. While watching i was wondering how they managed to place the entire game within the story, but since i haven't played the game maybe someone can enlighten me. IS ToS OVA the entire game? or just part of it with regards to the first world?
I had already seen similarities between the Tales. Fantasy, then Sci-Fi, half-elves was added along with dimensional travelling ^_^ (this is my exp with tales of phantasia)
It is a bit sad you don't get to see all the moving around they do throughout the world, and all that battles, we just see the outcomes of all encounters. By doing this, they save unneccessary repeats of similar scenes and are able to play the keypoints in the plot. Seal Breaking (at least 1), Exsphere, the ending of this world to go to the next ^_^
with that said, the pacing would be decent, music isn't too bad, action scenes aren't too bad either. Sure you'd want to know more with what happens, but with that you gotta play the game right? xD
Either way, time wasn't wasted, it was a decent OVA.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Fansubbing: At its best.
While venturing through the other blogs, i came across a post from tj_han at riuva who came across a post at Yoroshiku anime blog.
its got some of the awkard fansubbing translations and errors, had a nice laugh at them, especially with the fansubber comparisons xD
Have fun with it.
its got some of the awkard fansubbing translations and errors, had a nice laugh at them, especially with the fansubber comparisons xD
Have fun with it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Anime Marathons..... and Summer Season~
Anime Marathon-ing while watching current season stuff is mentally draining -_-
Since the holidays i've caught up on some completed anime, Utawarerumono, Yakikate Japan, Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion, a rewatch of moyashimon.
In marathon-ing these you don't really have much time to think about the story or its development or pass judgement as you would when you follow the current season ones like Kurozuka, Kuroshitsuji, Toaru Majutsu no Index, Clannad ~After Story~, Nodame Cantabile Paris Arc, Tytania, ToraDora, Ga Rei Zero, Tales of the Abyss, and Chaos; Head in my case.
Well, this was a surprise. I had originally wanted to see this because of the characters? can't recall, anyways it was an enjoyable ride. From first glance the world appears to be a fantasy type world with cat? fox? people. furries. and our masked hero. And later, through various wars and battles, we discover the truth of that world. Like most stories i guess, with each war there is always some hidden secret behind it, even if our main character was unaware of it. The Op and Ed was good, i find it slightly annoying that such a nice catchy song was for an anime that had more than half of war and battles. At least this didn't piss me off as much as Stellvia of the Universe. What a nice song, and when i watched that OP, i was gobsmacked -_-.... and hoping for better thigns didn't help -_-
Utawarerumono, desipte being an anime of wars between countries and races that unviel the truth of the world, is nicely done. Though i do wish for more peaceful screentime with all the characters. Almost loved them all ^_^
Yakikate Japan
I finally finished this after 3 years xD i first watched this in HS and had stopped at the beginning of the Monaco World Cup where our heroes got to France. The comedy and bread theories were still the same, hwoever if i went and sat through all 69 eps, i'd be TOO mentally drained, since i started with the monaco cup to the end and that was draining enough @_@
Code Geass
One of the most popular from recent anime series, and then many people said the second season was screwed up and was only saved when they rushed the ending.
Now who likes tactics? Strategy? I do. Thus i enjoyed this anime. Though Death Note should reign more, but the death of the orignal L still annoys me xD Lelouch on this hand i can relate to so *shrug*
What can i say after watching all 2 season in one go? Lelouch isn't that bad, and has some fairly interesting if you had time to discuss the morals, and views and perspectives it holds and you can relate to to draw out your own ideals and theories. That and nice mecha fights ^_^
Still... i do wonder what will happen to CC in the end *sigh*
Now for the latest season i've been following,
this is interesting, started off in ancient japan (excuse my poor statement but i'm too tired.. my mind hasn't recovered from marathoning anime yet) then we get zoomed to the 'present' which is the future where tokyo has been destroyed. Yet the bond that was made in the past between the two (kuromitsu and kuro was it?) is still as strong as ever.
With Love, Bloodshed, Inhumane goals, this one i'm interested to see how far it goes.
Hey, another butler anime, and a DEMON butler at that xD
now the first ep was a bit "mmm....." with the 'torterous' of that man, i was thinking it was horror based, though now, its probably less, despite the introduction of shinigamis. I'm still finding it amusing with a one great demon butler and the rest of the useless staff. I'm also interested to see all that there is with the dealings of the contract made.
Its good for comedy, and i can't get enough of the ending scenes ^_^
Toaru Majutsu no Index
This one was one of the ones i was looking forward to, where magic and science mix. A girl who holds several thousands of magical tomes within her and a boy who has a right hand that can dispel all ESP powers and magic too. Originally i was interested to see how it would go, with our girl Index to be forced to only have memories that span for a year, and then a turn about of events in saving her, our guy Touma loses all his memories from the previous incident. I'm awaiting the big plot of this.... definitely....
Clannad ~ After Story ~
YAY! more Clannad! I already know what happens in the end *sigh* (stupid me for watching the movie) just yay for more clannad ^_^
Nodame Cantabile Paris Arc
Well i was anticipating this with just recently finishing the first season.
However, i've only watched 3 eps and am APPALED! (is that how you spell it? o_O?)
FRIGGIN HELL!! They took out so much of the music>_< !
and that forced me to read the manga.
and now i'm depressed at where that's heading and don't feel like watching more nodame since its so much rushed and chopped up. wtf is j.c. staff doing here?
Well well, another super power anime. this one is in space. With no mechas yet as far as i can tell. And they seem to have a british like-age tot hem too. I'll see how this goes for plot. Doesn't seem too bad and doesn't seem too good yet. i wonder why so many people praising it.
School Anime. Comedy. Romantic Comedy? Who knows. This is comedy with the short tsundere? Taiga (Tiger) and nice, mould-killer Ryuji (Dragon). and the other cast of Ami, whats-her-name-that-is-happy-go-lucky-cheery girl and what-his-name-with-glasses yea... my mind is screwed so no names to remmeber yet -_-
Still, fun stuff this one.
Ga Rei Zero
Bwargh, i read that this anime is to be a prequel to the manga? i dunno i haven't read it, but the first ep left a nice impact, a lot of main? chars got killed quickly o_O which makes you think "so... what hapens now? o_O" and so we go and look in to the past that lead to these events.
Tales of the Abyss
man.. i should go watch Tales of Symphonia, i hear its better. i dunno why i'm stil following this. Its anoying me... hopefully it picks back up. Or i should play the game...?
Chaos; Head
Well well.... i was following this because of the cool di-swords. And man... that is definitely not a good enough reason to watch this anime -_- What i'm looking forward to now, is now the world wll be destroyed as was dreamt in the series. The main character is a useless guy. He hasn't reached the level of the Makoto in School Days because he hasn't screwed around with so many girls. but his friggin delusions and pathetic-ness is getting to me -_- not a good sign.
i'll see how this anime goes on and hope it somehow interests me more....
And so, ends basic conclusions of what i've been watching generally.
(i also marathond stargate! bt that was during exams -_- )
After all this though, i still think that mangas are better to marathon.
You go at your own pace and nto dragged into theirs which can drain you more *sigh*
That, or its coz i'm not moving much -_-
Btw, i've canceled my idea on wordpress, seems to much hassel right now. sorry.
Anime Marathon-ing while watching current season stuff is mentally draining -_-
Since the holidays i've caught up on some completed anime, Utawarerumono, Yakikate Japan, Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion, a rewatch of moyashimon.
In marathon-ing these you don't really have much time to think about the story or its development or pass judgement as you would when you follow the current season ones like Kurozuka, Kuroshitsuji, Toaru Majutsu no Index, Clannad ~After Story~, Nodame Cantabile Paris Arc, Tytania, ToraDora, Ga Rei Zero, Tales of the Abyss, and Chaos; Head in my case.
Well, this was a surprise. I had originally wanted to see this because of the characters? can't recall, anyways it was an enjoyable ride. From first glance the world appears to be a fantasy type world with cat? fox? people. furries. and our masked hero. And later, through various wars and battles, we discover the truth of that world. Like most stories i guess, with each war there is always some hidden secret behind it, even if our main character was unaware of it. The Op and Ed was good, i find it slightly annoying that such a nice catchy song was for an anime that had more than half of war and battles. At least this didn't piss me off as much as Stellvia of the Universe. What a nice song, and when i watched that OP, i was gobsmacked -_-.... and hoping for better thigns didn't help -_-
Utawarerumono, desipte being an anime of wars between countries and races that unviel the truth of the world, is nicely done. Though i do wish for more peaceful screentime with all the characters. Almost loved them all ^_^
Yakikate Japan
I finally finished this after 3 years xD i first watched this in HS and had stopped at the beginning of the Monaco World Cup where our heroes got to France. The comedy and bread theories were still the same, hwoever if i went and sat through all 69 eps, i'd be TOO mentally drained, since i started with the monaco cup to the end and that was draining enough @_@
Code Geass
One of the most popular from recent anime series, and then many people said the second season was screwed up and was only saved when they rushed the ending.
Now who likes tactics? Strategy? I do. Thus i enjoyed this anime. Though Death Note should reign more, but the death of the orignal L still annoys me xD Lelouch on this hand i can relate to so *shrug*
What can i say after watching all 2 season in one go? Lelouch isn't that bad, and has some fairly interesting if you had time to discuss the morals, and views and perspectives it holds and you can relate to to draw out your own ideals and theories. That and nice mecha fights ^_^
Still... i do wonder what will happen to CC in the end *sigh*
Now for the latest season i've been following,
this is interesting, started off in ancient japan (excuse my poor statement but i'm too tired.. my mind hasn't recovered from marathoning anime yet) then we get zoomed to the 'present' which is the future where tokyo has been destroyed. Yet the bond that was made in the past between the two (kuromitsu and kuro was it?) is still as strong as ever.
With Love, Bloodshed, Inhumane goals, this one i'm interested to see how far it goes.
Hey, another butler anime, and a DEMON butler at that xD
now the first ep was a bit "mmm....." with the 'torterous' of that man, i was thinking it was horror based, though now, its probably less, despite the introduction of shinigamis. I'm still finding it amusing with a one great demon butler and the rest of the useless staff. I'm also interested to see all that there is with the dealings of the contract made.
Its good for comedy, and i can't get enough of the ending scenes ^_^
Toaru Majutsu no Index
This one was one of the ones i was looking forward to, where magic and science mix. A girl who holds several thousands of magical tomes within her and a boy who has a right hand that can dispel all ESP powers and magic too. Originally i was interested to see how it would go, with our girl Index to be forced to only have memories that span for a year, and then a turn about of events in saving her, our guy Touma loses all his memories from the previous incident. I'm awaiting the big plot of this.... definitely....
Clannad ~ After Story ~
YAY! more Clannad! I already know what happens in the end *sigh* (stupid me for watching the movie) just yay for more clannad ^_^
Nodame Cantabile Paris Arc
Well i was anticipating this with just recently finishing the first season.
However, i've only watched 3 eps and am APPALED! (is that how you spell it? o_O?)
FRIGGIN HELL!! They took out so much of the music
and that forced me to read the manga.
and now i'm depressed at where that's heading and don't feel like watching more nodame since its so much rushed and chopped up. wtf is j.c. staff doing here?
Well well, another super power anime. this one is in space. With no mechas yet as far as i can tell. And they seem to have a british like-age tot hem too. I'll see how this goes for plot. Doesn't seem too bad and doesn't seem too good yet. i wonder why so many people praising it.
School Anime. Comedy. Romantic Comedy? Who knows. This is comedy with the short tsundere? Taiga (Tiger) and nice, mould-killer Ryuji (Dragon). and the other cast of Ami, whats-her-name-that-is-happy-go-lucky-cheery girl and what-his-name-with-glasses yea... my mind is screwed so no names to remmeber yet -_-
Still, fun stuff this one.
Ga Rei Zero
Bwargh, i read that this anime is to be a prequel to the manga? i dunno i haven't read it, but the first ep left a nice impact, a lot of main? chars got killed quickly o_O which makes you think "so... what hapens now? o_O" and so we go and look in to the past that lead to these events.
Tales of the Abyss
man.. i should go watch Tales of Symphonia, i hear its better. i dunno why i'm stil following this. Its anoying me... hopefully it picks back up. Or i should play the game...?
Chaos; Head
Well well.... i was following this because of the cool di-swords. And man... that is definitely not a good enough reason to watch this anime -_- What i'm looking forward to now, is now the world wll be destroyed as was dreamt in the series. The main character is a useless guy. He hasn't reached the level of the Makoto in School Days because he hasn't screwed around with so many girls. but his friggin delusions and pathetic-ness is getting to me -_- not a good sign.
i'll see how this anime goes on and hope it somehow interests me more....
And so, ends basic conclusions of what i've been watching generally.
(i also marathond stargate! bt that was during exams -_- )
After all this though, i still think that mangas are better to marathon.
You go at your own pace and nto dragged into theirs which can drain you more *sigh*
That, or its coz i'm not moving much -_-
Btw, i've canceled my idea on wordpress, seems to much hassel right now. sorry.
code geass,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Exam Over~
alrighty then, i've been quiet for a loong loooooong loooooooooooong time.
But now since its holidays, i've got a lot more free time.
So, my next post won't be soon,
i might have wordpress up and running, if i can figure it out xD
alrighty then, i've been quiet for a loong loooooong loooooooooooong time.
But now since its holidays, i've got a lot more free time.
So, my next post won't be soon,
i might have wordpress up and running, if i can figure it out xD
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Back with the Wiind~
So yes, i'm back.
and have been for about a week or so, but have been preoccupied with other stuff. And since i'm back i'll be doing another post after this with regards to the anime status i'll be on.
For this post, it'll be my happy post that i'll be doing my MSI Wind, which i am currently using ^__^
So yes, i had purchased the MSI Wind U100 - 120, exactly 7 days ago XD
and here's the link
i'm a bit annoyed and amused that its $10 cheaper after a week xD
oh well, i at least got one NOW and up and running.
i got the white one, instead of the black, no need to emphasis my stylishness with a laptop as an accessory xD.
However the wind is serving me well.
keyboard is actually right size, i no longer need to move my right hand at all, the right shift key is in the perfect place ^_^ and despite the downsizing of the , . / i'm still using them quite nicely.
i have yet to properly program on this laptop, and i probably will once i might get ubuntu up and running.
i'm a bit sad about the turbo power mode that i had read, but i had probably misconcieved its meaning, but hey, its all well and done, at least my power LED has 2 colours ^_^
i'm hoping this laptop will serve me well into the future
my only probable complaint is that my laptop will fall backwards, it seems that the screen is heavier than the body o_O
or its jsut a matter of a bad pivot point xD
aside from that, i realised i use the number 6 quite a bit due to emotes xD and have realised that it is sometimes harder to press or having the laptop recognize it being pressed.
the 6 cell battery, as it says gives me a max of 3.50 horus so far :/
i read it was 4, but i have yet to test, so we shall see.
Anyways, i'll probably won't isntall vista, depite reading on forums that vista apparently runs smoother than XP on the wind ^_^
Till then, happy happy wind ^_^
and have been for about a week or so, but have been preoccupied with other stuff. And since i'm back i'll be doing another post after this with regards to the anime status i'll be on.
For this post, it'll be my happy post that i'll be doing my MSI Wind, which i am currently using ^__^
So yes, i had purchased the MSI Wind U100 - 120, exactly 7 days ago XD
and here's the link
i'm a bit annoyed and amused that its $10 cheaper after a week xD
oh well, i at least got one NOW and up and running.
i got the white one, instead of the black, no need to emphasis my stylishness with a laptop as an accessory xD.
However the wind is serving me well.
keyboard is actually right size, i no longer need to move my right hand at all, the right shift key is in the perfect place ^_^ and despite the downsizing of the , . / i'm still using them quite nicely.
i have yet to properly program on this laptop, and i probably will once i might get ubuntu up and running.
i'm a bit sad about the turbo power mode that i had read, but i had probably misconcieved its meaning, but hey, its all well and done, at least my power LED has 2 colours ^_^
i'm hoping this laptop will serve me well into the future
my only probable complaint is that my laptop will fall backwards, it seems that the screen is heavier than the body o_O
or its jsut a matter of a bad pivot point xD
aside from that, i realised i use the number 6 quite a bit due to emotes xD and have realised that it is sometimes harder to press or having the laptop recognize it being pressed.
the 6 cell battery, as it says gives me a max of 3.50 horus so far :/
i read it was 4, but i have yet to test, so we shall see.
Anyways, i'll probably won't isntall vista, depite reading on forums that vista apparently runs smoother than XP on the wind ^_^
Till then, happy happy wind ^_^
Friday, September 26, 2008
Melbourne: City of Culture.
So yes.
Despite not making any decent blogs, despite buying a nifty new mp3 player which i should've posted, but got too lazy because i was enjoying it too much.
And the ending of Macross, and Special A, and World Destruction, and all those i'm following. I should be making a post of a recap summary of them all too.
Oh well,
So, for a week i'll be going to Melbourne, the capital city of South Australia. I shall be competing there for the Australian University Games, in Fencing, for Foil and Epee.
And like last year, i doubt i'll have net.
But wish me luck ^_^
(especially in epee ^^;; majority of epeeist are tall people >_< ! )
Despite not making any decent blogs, despite buying a nifty new mp3 player which i should've posted, but got too lazy because i was enjoying it too much.
And the ending of Macross, and Special A, and World Destruction, and all those i'm following. I should be making a post of a recap summary of them all too.
Oh well,
So, for a week i'll be going to Melbourne, the capital city of South Australia. I shall be competing there for the Australian University Games, in Fencing, for Foil and Epee.
And like last year, i doubt i'll have net.
But wish me luck ^_^
(especially in epee ^^;; majority of epeeist are tall people >_< ! )
Thursday, September 4, 2008
WD 8 and MF 20/21
World Destruction 8.
Well this episode was boring.
Our heroes have been captured along with the WSC (World Salvation Committee) and get submerged in the ocean of sands.
At least we now know that Kyrie is somehow attractive to Lia, she's blushing and what not. Oh well.
Since this was a boring ep, i'll just dwell into what i've find more interesting in episode 7.
Episode 7 involves our heroes walking into town to find out that someone is using their names to create havoc. Eating without paying, and harming and stealing antiques. All in the name of the World Destruction Commitee.
Interestingly enough, the characters that we get introduced to somehow have a personality switch. Kyrie is more manly, with a quiet girl (name forgotten), and an actually massive bear, who apparently is very gentle and kind. In comparison with Toppi. xD
Later on, we figure out that they're going around places, finding a Utopia where Beastmen and Humans can co-exist together in peace.
This just rings a bell back to what Morte wants, to end this world so it'll be peaceful (along the lines of that, more like she wants to destroy the world so that she can save it.)
Now applying this to reality, what'd you classify as a Utopian world our little planet of Earth, with an approx population of 6 billion with a variety of cultures and nationalities? We're not as easily split into humans and beastmen.
(what i DO wonder is where are the ape-men? Humans are ape-like. How come i haven't seen any apemen-beastmen? ~_~? )
"1 torpedo for 2 sand whales"
Wow... talk about parralel worlds.
"One birds for two stones." Or was it "Killing 2 birds with one stone?" I can't remember the exact quote, but you get the gist of it.
What i'm laughing at, is that in this parallel world is they used torpedoes. Shows that this quote is only made recently with the introduction of technology.
I assume that beastmen in the past never tried spears or super large rocks to take down a sandwhale. And how come there aren't any fishmen-beastmen? :/ Yet they have frogmen-beastmen :(
I don't want to go through the whole animal kingdom, but come on :(
Macross Frontier ep 20. Spoilers.
They didn't killed Ozma, so they killed another senpai of our main hero Alto, in this case it was Mikhael/Michael/Michel etc...
In contrasting this to Focker from SDFMacross,
both these guys are womanisers, great pilots, blonde hair, actually a senpai of our hero Alto/Hikari. Part of the Skull Squadron.
Compared with Ozma.
Skull Leader. Man. In a relationship with one woman. Pineapples. Bad shot in a dogfight.
Seems to me, they cut 1/3 of Focker and placed it into Mikhael and 2/3 into Ozma.
Oh well, but it is quite saddening to lose Mikhael, though im' interested into seeing what Ranka will do, now that she's going to Vajra territory to return Ai-kun. She's their queen, she can command them to all stop, and if all goes well, assimilate the Vajra into the infantry/search/military/something-or-other divison of the government. They proved their power, and since they don't seem to need to live a good experiance-ful life like humans and zentradi and the meltrandi, they suddenly seem very easy to take care of, especially as shock troops of the universe.
And with the rest of the Macross universe having biotech and implants, who knows? Maybe they could implement Vajra psyiology into their newer class of DomeShips. After all the Vajra can fold while ignoring the faults.
I'm interested to see how this will all play out in the end.
Well this episode was boring.
Our heroes have been captured along with the WSC (World Salvation Committee) and get submerged in the ocean of sands.
At least we now know that Kyrie is somehow attractive to Lia, she's blushing and what not. Oh well.
Since this was a boring ep, i'll just dwell into what i've find more interesting in episode 7.
Episode 7 involves our heroes walking into town to find out that someone is using their names to create havoc. Eating without paying, and harming and stealing antiques. All in the name of the World Destruction Commitee.
Interestingly enough, the characters that we get introduced to somehow have a personality switch. Kyrie is more manly, with a quiet girl (name forgotten), and an actually massive bear, who apparently is very gentle and kind. In comparison with Toppi. xD
Later on, we figure out that they're going around places, finding a Utopia where Beastmen and Humans can co-exist together in peace.
This just rings a bell back to what Morte wants, to end this world so it'll be peaceful (along the lines of that, more like she wants to destroy the world so that she can save it.)
Now applying this to reality, what'd you classify as a Utopian world our little planet of Earth, with an approx population of 6 billion with a variety of cultures and nationalities? We're not as easily split into humans and beastmen.
(what i DO wonder is where are the ape-men? Humans are ape-like. How come i haven't seen any apemen-beastmen? ~_~? )
"1 torpedo for 2 sand whales"
Wow... talk about parralel worlds.
"One birds for two stones." Or was it "Killing 2 birds with one stone?" I can't remember the exact quote, but you get the gist of it.
What i'm laughing at, is that in this parallel world is they used torpedoes. Shows that this quote is only made recently with the introduction of technology.
I assume that beastmen in the past never tried spears or super large rocks to take down a sandwhale. And how come there aren't any fishmen-beastmen? :/ Yet they have frogmen-beastmen :(
I don't want to go through the whole animal kingdom, but come on :(
Macross Frontier ep 20. Spoilers.
They didn't killed Ozma, so they killed another senpai of our main hero Alto, in this case it was Mikhael/Michael/Michel etc...
In contrasting this to Focker from SDFMacross,
both these guys are womanisers, great pilots, blonde hair, actually a senpai of our hero Alto/Hikari. Part of the Skull Squadron.
Compared with Ozma.
Skull Leader. Man. In a relationship with one woman. Pineapples. Bad shot in a dogfight.
Seems to me, they cut 1/3 of Focker and placed it into Mikhael and 2/3 into Ozma.
Oh well, but it is quite saddening to lose Mikhael, though im' interested into seeing what Ranka will do, now that she's going to Vajra territory to return Ai-kun. She's their queen, she can command them to all stop, and if all goes well, assimilate the Vajra into the infantry/search/military/something-or-other divison of the government. They proved their power, and since they don't seem to need to live a good experiance-ful life like humans and zentradi and the meltrandi, they suddenly seem very easy to take care of, especially as shock troops of the universe.
And with the rest of the Macross universe having biotech and implants, who knows? Maybe they could implement Vajra psyiology into their newer class of DomeShips. After all the Vajra can fold while ignoring the faults.
I'm interested to see how this will all play out in the end.
The age that defines the end of childhood.
The becoming of an adult.
A shift of worlds.
Such idoicy.
Humans have placed shackles among themselves.
Defined values to suit their needs.
Created wondrous and abhorable subjects.
In selfish desires to survive.
They ignore the beauty of nature.
The colours of autumn.
The cooling of air.
The glow of sunsets.
The quietness of winter.
The puffs of breathe we take.
The crispness of the starry sky.
The blossoming of Spring.
The gentle breeze.
The soft scent of flowers.
The flares of summer.
The lazy afternoons.
The cool nights upon us.
The world man created is complex.
Confusing. Incongruent. Catastrophic.
Despite that be the realm we live in.
You are you.
You are your own.
You decide what you be.
You have the strength to do what you want.
The world of man was created for its own sake.
Yet, the world of nature still continues.
Thus, you can create your own,
The world you desire. The world that you wish for.
With the hurt and love of your past,
with the pain and happiness of your future,
You hold your life in your own hands.
Don't let anyone take it from you.
The becoming of an adult.
A shift of worlds.
Such idoicy.
Humans have placed shackles among themselves.
Defined values to suit their needs.
Created wondrous and abhorable subjects.
In selfish desires to survive.
They ignore the beauty of nature.
The colours of autumn.
The cooling of air.
The glow of sunsets.
The quietness of winter.
The puffs of breathe we take.
The crispness of the starry sky.
The blossoming of Spring.
The gentle breeze.
The soft scent of flowers.
The flares of summer.
The lazy afternoons.
The cool nights upon us.
The world man created is complex.
Confusing. Incongruent. Catastrophic.
Despite that be the realm we live in.
You are you.
You are your own.
You decide what you be.
You have the strength to do what you want.
The world of man was created for its own sake.
Yet, the world of nature still continues.
Thus, you can create your own,
The world you desire. The world that you wish for.
With the hurt and love of your past,
with the pain and happiness of your future,
You hold your life in your own hands.
Don't let anyone take it from you.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fresh Food People
"We're Fresh Food People Because You Are"
Have any of you guys seen/heard of this quote?
It's Woolworth's latest ad campaign.
I find this as a kind of interesting ad.
This type of ad doesn't blatantly make its customers think its own products are such good. What this ad does, is it invokes the feeling that the consumer/customer is good itself, and thus, the store aligns itself to the customer.
Generally, Ads themselves make the customer's align to the store's way of thinking. But this doesn't.
It also plays an important part in australia's growing obesity epidemic. Like most western countries, the average person is getting fatter and fatter.
So what does wooly does? Uses this dilemma, plus its current catch phrase, to create an ad that goes with the time. A lot of parents worry about the weight of their children as well as all the GM Foods. Woolies also promotes the 'healty benefits' of a good life style, eating the right foods, fresh, unprocessed, and hey, who does that? We do, your friendly woolworthes supermarket chain.
I reckon its a nice play on them for the common populace, but this won't affect me, i prefere buying my vegies from asian super markets xD
But best of luck for them. Its a competitive world out there.
But have you seen any ads that perk your interests not because of their product, but how they're selling it?
my good news from my previous post has shattered.
Have any of you guys seen/heard of this quote?
It's Woolworth's latest ad campaign.
I find this as a kind of interesting ad.
This type of ad doesn't blatantly make its customers think its own products are such good. What this ad does, is it invokes the feeling that the consumer/customer is good itself, and thus, the store aligns itself to the customer.
Generally, Ads themselves make the customer's align to the store's way of thinking. But this doesn't.
It also plays an important part in australia's growing obesity epidemic. Like most western countries, the average person is getting fatter and fatter.
So what does wooly does? Uses this dilemma, plus its current catch phrase, to create an ad that goes with the time. A lot of parents worry about the weight of their children as well as all the GM Foods. Woolies also promotes the 'healty benefits' of a good life style, eating the right foods, fresh, unprocessed, and hey, who does that? We do, your friendly woolworthes supermarket chain.
I reckon its a nice play on them for the common populace, but this won't affect me, i prefere buying my vegies from asian super markets xD
But best of luck for them. Its a competitive world out there.
But have you seen any ads that perk your interests not because of their product, but how they're selling it?
my good news from my previous post has shattered.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I'm not dead....
As you might've noticed, it has been veeerryyy quiet here.
I'm mostly been busy and haven't had much time to blog anything of anime or thought-related matter.
I've even missed out on the potential postings of World Destruction, and MFrontier updates.
However, if all goes well i'll have something to blog about next week.
If they have any in stock..............
Till then, i can only wish i had a plane ticket to London.. *sigh*
As you might've noticed, it has been veeerryyy quiet here.
I'm mostly been busy and haven't had much time to blog anything of anime or thought-related matter.
I've even missed out on the potential postings of World Destruction, and MFrontier updates.
However, if all goes well i'll have something to blog about next week.
If they have any in stock..............
Till then, i can only wish i had a plane ticket to London.. *sigh*
Monday, August 4, 2008
Genius Party
So yes, i have been busy. Not to mention, aside from some anime i'll sometimes post, i have nothing absolutely good to post, been to busy to be on a blog rant mode.
However, i have been slowly watching my anime, while neglecting the less interesting ones *ahem*Amatsuki*ahem* However, what i'm blogging today is about "Genius Party"
Genius Party is apparently 7 short independant movies by Studio 4C. Each done by a different but renown director. However, i only have access to ep 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
1) Genius Party
2) Shanghai Dragon
4) Doorbell
6) Happy Machine
7) Baby Blue
Due to some stupid software error, snap shots have been lost.
1) Genius Party.
This one has no words or lines at all. It wasn't too bad.
2) Shanghai Dragon.
Hey, they speak mandarin o_O or could be shanghai-nese, but since i can recognize mandarin more than i can shanghai-nese, i conclude that it IS mandarin they are speaking and not actually shanghai ironically.
This one is fairly interesting in that humans have developed a device that convert thoughts into reality. A Thought Materialization System. Like the Lambda Drive in Full Metal Panic. Except, this one is severely more compact and seems to be more easily used with no scientific explanation to it at all. At least in FMP they mentioned that for the Lambda Drive to work, it required the pilot to be emitting some sort of alpha wave. In Shanghai Dragon, it just seems to be finally produced from somewhere in the future, where humans have relied heavily on biotechnology and seems to be currently in a war with AIs. Shall i mention that humans have lost the ability to reproduce? And it just so happens that the user of this 'crystal' is a lil 5 year old, nose drooping kid.
I find it amusing and lame at how the kid uses it. But hey, they're kids. I find it possibly unrealistic in that the droopy kid becomes the hero and seems to have matured. But hey, in dire situations, people to grow up in a short amount of time.
Another thought that passes through my mind in this anime is the idea of time travel. Accordingly to the 'humans' from the future, they're from a time that the earth is way way over there where there is no starlight confirmed from current location. Now, if you apply 4th Dimension concept as linear. It partially make sense. The universe is said to be constantly expanding. So naturally where we are now in the universe will not be the same in several thousand years. What i'm finding most curious is how the time travel actually occurred, i mean, they couldn't have just traveled in the direction earth was in the past. Perhaps traveling at light speed is the reason, or actually traveling beyond the 4th dimension, however in doing that, you'd somewhat have achieved an existance beyond the constraints of time and thus immortal. I doubt this is the real case with these guys. Despite having a cyborg body with pretty nifty methods to fight as a cyborg.
Enough about time travel for now, and the nifty fights between human cyborgs and AIs and the new Thought Materialization System controlled by a 5 year old from old shanghai. I dunno if this one is nifty of cheesy. Its got this cool background song when Sai was fighting some AIs with his cigar flying.
4) Doorbell.
my gosh o_o... this one had me a bit creeped at the end. It introduces this possible idea of either some sort of dopple ganger (currently this term is veerry loosily used), or alternate selfs all co-existing together at the same time. The clone concept. However, this apparently seems to be entirely unintentional. I could take 2 stances upon seeing short movie.
One would be that he defeats these persona's of himself that doesn't actually properly exist, or his conscious is floating between the several 'vessels'. This one requires a bit more thinking before i can construct anything proper. The other would be that earth suddenly (or japan) has a phenonem (yes i can't spell) that somehow produces an exact double of you without you knowing. Anyways, this one kinda wierded me out despite being fairly decent.
6) Happy Machine.
I guess this one falls into a similar category to the first one. Genius Party. And not that because there was no dialogue, it probably because of an entirely different world. However, this one was a whole cycle. The previous was just a linear thing.
7) Baby Blue.
Wow, this one seemed normal xD Very normal. Very sweet and nice.
However, i have been slowly watching my anime, while neglecting the less interesting ones *ahem*
Genius Party is apparently 7 short independant movies by Studio 4C. Each done by a different but renown director. However, i only have access to ep 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
1) Genius Party
2) Shanghai Dragon
4) Doorbell
6) Happy Machine
7) Baby Blue
Due to some stupid software error, snap shots have been lost.
1) Genius Party.
This one has no words or lines at all. It wasn't too bad.
2) Shanghai Dragon.
Hey, they speak mandarin o_O or could be shanghai-nese, but since i can recognize mandarin more than i can shanghai-nese, i conclude that it IS mandarin they are speaking and not actually shanghai ironically.
This one is fairly interesting in that humans have developed a device that convert thoughts into reality. A Thought Materialization System. Like the Lambda Drive in Full Metal Panic. Except, this one is severely more compact and seems to be more easily used with no scientific explanation to it at all. At least in FMP they mentioned that for the Lambda Drive to work, it required the pilot to be emitting some sort of alpha wave. In Shanghai Dragon, it just seems to be finally produced from somewhere in the future, where humans have relied heavily on biotechnology and seems to be currently in a war with AIs. Shall i mention that humans have lost the ability to reproduce? And it just so happens that the user of this 'crystal' is a lil 5 year old, nose drooping kid.
I find it amusing and lame at how the kid uses it. But hey, they're kids. I find it possibly unrealistic in that the droopy kid becomes the hero and seems to have matured. But hey, in dire situations, people to grow up in a short amount of time.
Another thought that passes through my mind in this anime is the idea of time travel. Accordingly to the 'humans' from the future, they're from a time that the earth is way way over there where there is no starlight confirmed from current location. Now, if you apply 4th Dimension concept as linear. It partially make sense. The universe is said to be constantly expanding. So naturally where we are now in the universe will not be the same in several thousand years. What i'm finding most curious is how the time travel actually occurred, i mean, they couldn't have just traveled in the direction earth was in the past. Perhaps traveling at light speed is the reason, or actually traveling beyond the 4th dimension, however in doing that, you'd somewhat have achieved an existance beyond the constraints of time and thus immortal. I doubt this is the real case with these guys. Despite having a cyborg body with pretty nifty methods to fight as a cyborg.
Enough about time travel for now, and the nifty fights between human cyborgs and AIs and the new Thought Materialization System controlled by a 5 year old from old shanghai. I dunno if this one is nifty of cheesy. Its got this cool background song when Sai was fighting some AIs with his cigar flying.
4) Doorbell.
my gosh o_o... this one had me a bit creeped at the end. It introduces this possible idea of either some sort of dopple ganger (currently this term is veerry loosily used), or alternate selfs all co-existing together at the same time. The clone concept. However, this apparently seems to be entirely unintentional. I could take 2 stances upon seeing short movie.
One would be that he defeats these persona's of himself that doesn't actually properly exist, or his conscious is floating between the several 'vessels'. This one requires a bit more thinking before i can construct anything proper. The other would be that earth suddenly (or japan) has a phenonem (yes i can't spell) that somehow produces an exact double of you without you knowing. Anyways, this one kinda wierded me out despite being fairly decent.
6) Happy Machine.
I guess this one falls into a similar category to the first one. Genius Party. And not that because there was no dialogue, it probably because of an entirely different world. However, this one was a whole cycle. The previous was just a linear thing.
7) Baby Blue.
Wow, this one seemed normal xD Very normal. Very sweet and nice.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu. 2
So, i decided to follow this.
I needed some new romantic comedy to keep me occupied. Drama based animes are good and all,but you need some sort of breather once and again.
And yes, i definitely place this as a romantic comedy.
i'm actually surprised they already went on a 'date' already. But oh well. Nothing that bad to complain about. They actually go to Akihibara. A good scene for a secretive otaku girl, and despite our male lead being more realistic in that he doesn't actually have nose bleeds, he's at least a guy with the thoughts that run through his head. there isn't much to say on an anime like this. its a romantic comedy afterall.
Instead, i'll rant about coming back to australia.
DAM MY SKIN IS DRY! (yes, i never would have picked it up before, in HK, i sweated without knowing, and come here its like "woh?!")
though i honestly can't believe how slow my net is >.> upload the screenshots take so long >.>
they're even a larger size than my digicam. oh i feel the pain if i ever take pics -_-
So here's a few snaps i found amusing and wish to comment on.

As with all 'high school idols' in anime. you've tend to get a fan club of sort. Here they arestalking following their dear lil princess and grinding their teeth at the useless Yuuto.

Amusing SD form. they'res more, but i'm too lazy to give them all out, and why spoil all the fun?

And here she goes, making a detailed plan. This also reminds me a scene from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Where Miu gives Kenichi a map, with 'squiggly' roads, and his sister says that all girls like to draw roads squiggly.
[This would be a manga reference, i haven't watched the anime]

PDS huh? Finding it amusing i recently bought my NDS. Not to mention, if the PSP and the NDS done a fusion dance i'd reckon the look would come something like that xD

Good question. Though, you can only wonder what kind of anime that'd be -_-....

... wtf...?

EASILY misunderstood when placed out of context ^_^

So, here solves it.
Well i'll leave it at that. That's about 1/2 to about 2/3 of the episode.
Gah! im' surprised that no one has told me that the links to the photos have been wrong -_- So, if you really wsih to see the pictures in their normal glory of my previous posts, im' sorry, but you'l have to either view the whole folder as the password is already given, or know the name of the file, then just put in the right number -_-. My sincere apologies for my stupidity for not knowing this earlier -_-
I needed some new romantic comedy to keep me occupied. Drama based animes are good and all,but you need some sort of breather once and again.
And yes, i definitely place this as a romantic comedy.
i'm actually surprised they already went on a 'date' already. But oh well. Nothing that bad to complain about. They actually go to Akihibara. A good scene for a secretive otaku girl, and despite our male lead being more realistic in that he doesn't actually have nose bleeds, he's at least a guy with the thoughts that run through his head. there isn't much to say on an anime like this. its a romantic comedy afterall.
Instead, i'll rant about coming back to australia.
DAM MY SKIN IS DRY! (yes, i never would have picked it up before, in HK, i sweated without knowing, and come here its like "woh?!")
though i honestly can't believe how slow my net is >.> upload the screenshots take so long >.>
they're even a larger size than my digicam. oh i feel the pain if i ever take pics -_-
So here's a few snaps i found amusing and wish to comment on.
As with all 'high school idols' in anime. you've tend to get a fan club of sort. Here they are
Amusing SD form. they'res more, but i'm too lazy to give them all out, and why spoil all the fun?
And here she goes, making a detailed plan. This also reminds me a scene from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Where Miu gives Kenichi a map, with 'squiggly' roads, and his sister says that all girls like to draw roads squiggly.
[This would be a manga reference, i haven't watched the anime]
PDS huh? Finding it amusing i recently bought my NDS. Not to mention, if the PSP and the NDS done a fusion dance i'd reckon the look would come something like that xD
Good question. Though, you can only wonder what kind of anime that'd be -_-....
... wtf...?
EASILY misunderstood when placed out of context ^_^
So, here solves it.
Well i'll leave it at that. That's about 1/2 to about 2/3 of the episode.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Flight. Cancelled.
So yes.
i wake up at 5am when its still dark, arrive at hte MTR with my luggage when the sun is rising. Arrive at the airport when sun HAS risen, but its only 7ish or 8ish o_O
See the new large Hong Kong Airport at the departure terminal. Marvel at it, then look at the board with all the flights.
QF 188 9:15 Cancelled
So i go "wtf? cancelled?"
ask the counter what happened, apparently there is no flight in the morning back to sydney or something like that.
so they book me for the next flight which is within 12 hours 6_6 i'll be catching a night flight home. arrive the NEXT day, which i had PLANNED to do some uni admin work.
but now thats all down the drain.
*sigh* such is life.
still a pain though xD
So i guess i'll pass some time by nDS-ing.
i wake up at 5am when its still dark, arrive at hte MTR with my luggage when the sun is rising. Arrive at the airport when sun HAS risen, but its only 7ish or 8ish o_O
See the new large Hong Kong Airport at the departure terminal. Marvel at it, then look at the board with all the flights.
QF 188 9:15 Cancelled
So i go "wtf? cancelled?"
ask the counter what happened, apparently there is no flight in the morning back to sydney or something like that.
so they book me for the next flight which is within 12 hours 6_6 i'll be catching a night flight home. arrive the NEXT day, which i had PLANNED to do some uni admin work.
but now thats all down the drain.
*sigh* such is life.
still a pain though xD
So i guess i'll pass some time by nDS-ing.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Day 15 -> 19
its been kinda quiet lately, i've been busy packing instead of actually going around and exploring more of HK, i've already gone over my 20kg limit, so i'll be sending some stuff home.
So hence, aside from PROPER ramblings and maybe some anime blogging, this blog will remain quiet.
Note: i might be getting a DS.
its been kinda quiet lately, i've been busy packing instead of actually going around and exploring more of HK, i've already gone over my 20kg limit, so i'll be sending some stuff home.
So hence, aside from PROPER ramblings and maybe some anime blogging, this blog will remain quiet.
Note: i might be getting a DS.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Day 14: HK
So, a quiet day.
Just went to Disney Land Station, and took pictures around.
No, didn't go to Disney Land. Apparently, its a waste of money and very boring. There happens to be a recreational lake nearby too. So i walked around. So this is another image-spam post.
Or i could just be lazy and give you the pics. Infact, i'll do that. its late, because my cousin took rightful ownership of the computer and i got tired of waiting -_-
111 Pictures.
Photo Bucket Folder
Password is still the same as before.
Just went to Disney Land Station, and took pictures around.
No, didn't go to Disney Land. Apparently, its a waste of money and very boring. There happens to be a recreational lake nearby too. So i walked around. So this is another image-spam post.
Or i could just be lazy and give you the pics. Infact, i'll do that. its late, because my cousin took rightful ownership of the computer and i got tired of waiting -_-
111 Pictures.
Photo Bucket Folder
Password is still the same as before.
World Destruction Ep 1
"There are two types of heroes.
Those who save the world, and those who save a single person."
~ The detective from the Heroes Guid.
So, the setting for this world seems to have humans and beastman co-existing in a planet that has two moons.
As usual, it seems that beastmen and humans don't get along very well.
We get introduced to Morte who is on the wanted posted to be supposedly part of the "World Destruction Comittee" And for all we know at present time, she is the only memeber. However, her intent to destroy the world is true. Reason being, we're not sure Though it doesn't seem like those frilly reasons that they just want to destroy it for fun. Interestingly enough, she has this device named 'destruction code'
We also get introduced to YET another useless guy called Kyrie. He's a normal human who recently started working at this beastman shop (apparently beastmen stores pay well) he passes off as a beastman by wearing kitty ears. Anyways, this was exposed within less than 10 minutes when the 'World Salvation Comittee' comes in to arrest Morte. He also somehow is highly reactive to the Destructive Code device.
Anyways, this town is supposed run by this ruler of Cats (for some reason, they give me the slight shivers in wanting to skin them or something -_- i generally don't hate cats, but i think its the way they're drawn.....)
Another character we get introduced is the detective from the Heroes guild. He's a bear. A bear with an eye patch and a snazzy looking boat, and extremely short that i had first mistaken him as a mouse..
being caught up in the dealings of a nearby human village when the king cat uses a human girl to offer to this monster Sakkai. So now, our lil detective bear along with Kyrie are known as part of the World Destruction Comittee, with a nice finishing quote.
"There are heroes who seek the destruction of the world."
Conclusion: why not follow it, it seems interesting enough, and this was one of the series i was looking forward too, with the advent of the beastmen in co-existant was unexpected though. Lets see how it turns out.
Those who save the world, and those who save a single person."
~ The detective from the Heroes Guid.
So, the setting for this world seems to have humans and beastman co-existing in a planet that has two moons.
As usual, it seems that beastmen and humans don't get along very well.
We get introduced to Morte who is on the wanted posted to be supposedly part of the "World Destruction Comittee" And for all we know at present time, she is the only memeber. However, her intent to destroy the world is true. Reason being, we're not sure Though it doesn't seem like those frilly reasons that they just want to destroy it for fun. Interestingly enough, she has this device named 'destruction code'
We also get introduced to YET another useless guy called Kyrie. He's a normal human who recently started working at this beastman shop (apparently beastmen stores pay well) he passes off as a beastman by wearing kitty ears. Anyways, this was exposed within less than 10 minutes when the 'World Salvation Comittee' comes in to arrest Morte. He also somehow is highly reactive to the Destructive Code device.
Anyways, this town is supposed run by this ruler of Cats (for some reason, they give me the slight shivers in wanting to skin them or something -_- i generally don't hate cats, but i think its the way they're drawn.....)
Another character we get introduced is the detective from the Heroes guild. He's a bear. A bear with an eye patch and a snazzy looking boat, and extremely short that i had first mistaken him as a mouse..
being caught up in the dealings of a nearby human village when the king cat uses a human girl to offer to this monster Sakkai. So now, our lil detective bear along with Kyrie are known as part of the World Destruction Comittee, with a nice finishing quote.
"There are heroes who seek the destruction of the world."
Conclusion: why not follow it, it seems interesting enough, and this was one of the series i was looking forward too, with the advent of the beastmen in co-existant was unexpected though. Lets see how it turns out.
HK Day 13: The Dark Knight.
Before i go talking about the thoughts of Batman: The Dark Knight,
i'd like to tell you i finally bought the cool umbrellas that you can sling over your shoulder, however sinc ei'm going back to australia, i couldn't get the large size and had to settle for the mini ones. The shop that sells them sells only umbrellas o_O they even FIX umbrellas. I found that pretty cool, as i haven't seen an umbrella dedicated shop before. Also, for kicks, they have a Kumon here too. I wonder if its the same face though :/

Now, the main highlight was watching Batman: The Dark Knight.
I use to love batman when i was a kid, along with spiderman and superman. I think batman spurred my love of bats. That or i had like bats before i knew batman existed, but thats beside the point.
I had recall that me and my friends had talked about superheroes once and why batman didn't classify as a superhero. He has no superpowers. He's just a simple rich guy with lots of gadgetory.
I'm not sure how many batman fans or batman watchers there are viewing this blog. But you should recall that Bruce Wayne use to live in that biiigg giant castle or mansion, on the cliff. With a sleek looking car.
Hence, when the new batman came, i was highly dissapointed with the new powerful large-wheeled car. The car and bike still turns me off, however, what it gained instead was a little insight, i had either just picked up now, or just gave the opportunity to.
This leads to the title "The Dark Knight"
Knights are generally known as elite fighters of the past, those who have valor, honor and great skills and ride a horse. They are noblemen, and we usually assosciate Knights as the good half of society. Those who fight evil, and the invaders or barbarians. If only we know the truth, valor and chivalry aren't as simple as we place them to be. Their original meaning are so much more.
With the addition of Dark, it implies that this knight, this gallant fighter of high skills and bravado is fighting on the side of evil.
Which leads me to ponder this second installment of the batman series.
Batman always fights evil, so why is he known as a dark knight?
This answer is given to us at the end of the movie.
Along with a quote, "We either die as heroes or we live it till we become the villians". But the Police Commisioner (i already forgot his name) tells his son why Batman runs away. Batman doesn't choose the side of good or evil. He's being something greater. He becomes what the city needs.
Originally, the hero of the city, however, with the introduction of the Joker and his concept of chaos, it utterly screws up the upcomming future of Gotham City.
Thus, lives are lost on behalf of batman, despite him not actually pulling any triggers. (I never recall him firing a gun. Disarming and taking them apart, yes.)
Batman upholds the idealistic good, saving everything he can without a lost of life. For those of us who understand, we know how difficult that is. This was thrown into the face of Batman, when he had confronted the Joker at the end, mentioning that just saving the lives as you can't won't cut it, especially when The Joker as a "evil" catalyst comes about.
So Batman can no longer stand in the light. He can no longer be the Shining Knight in Amour(it looks funny, maybe i spelt it wrong).
What Batman is to be, is to be something greater than just a Hero who saves the lives. He has to be the "catalyst" to make Gotham City the city that is brighter, optimistic, and living the ideal life. He no longer is able to stand on the side of justice. He will do what has to be done. Staying true to his values and beliefs. He will be whatever it is required of him. And, at the end, this notes to The Dark Knight, as he takes the fall for the killing of an "up-comming hero" of Gotham, which is ironic to us, but not so for the 'players' of the movie.
The 'baggage' of being such a catalyst, is that you have to remove yourself from the perspective of both sides. You'll have to be outside the box. You have to see the things that those are blinded to are. There aren't that many these kinds of people. But even if they were, you wouldn't know about them. Simply because you're NOT suppose to know about them. This plays the basic quote "Ignorance is Bliss. Knowledge is Power." and "What you don't know can't hurt you."
What i want to ask you, is two things.
Do you think you can be such a person? To not care whether how people see you, but that you will do what is needed to achieve the outcome for the greater good(or bad if you want 6_6 )
Second. Whats your definition of a super hero ^_^
Anyways, take care guys.
Over and out.
i'd like to tell you i finally bought the cool umbrellas that you can sling over your shoulder, however sinc ei'm going back to australia, i couldn't get the large size and had to settle for the mini ones. The shop that sells them sells only umbrellas o_O they even FIX umbrellas. I found that pretty cool, as i haven't seen an umbrella dedicated shop before. Also, for kicks, they have a Kumon here too. I wonder if its the same face though :/
Now, the main highlight was watching Batman: The Dark Knight.
I use to love batman when i was a kid, along with spiderman and superman. I think batman spurred my love of bats. That or i had like bats before i knew batman existed, but thats beside the point.
I had recall that me and my friends had talked about superheroes once and why batman didn't classify as a superhero. He has no superpowers. He's just a simple rich guy with lots of gadgetory.
I'm not sure how many batman fans or batman watchers there are viewing this blog. But you should recall that Bruce Wayne use to live in that biiigg giant castle or mansion, on the cliff. With a sleek looking car.
Hence, when the new batman came, i was highly dissapointed with the new powerful large-wheeled car. The car and bike still turns me off, however, what it gained instead was a little insight, i had either just picked up now, or just gave the opportunity to.
This leads to the title "The Dark Knight"
Knights are generally known as elite fighters of the past, those who have valor, honor and great skills and ride a horse. They are noblemen, and we usually assosciate Knights as the good half of society. Those who fight evil, and the invaders or barbarians. If only we know the truth, valor and chivalry aren't as simple as we place them to be. Their original meaning are so much more.
With the addition of Dark, it implies that this knight, this gallant fighter of high skills and bravado is fighting on the side of evil.
Which leads me to ponder this second installment of the batman series.
Batman always fights evil, so why is he known as a dark knight?
This answer is given to us at the end of the movie.
Along with a quote, "We either die as heroes or we live it till we become the villians". But the Police Commisioner (i already forgot his name) tells his son why Batman runs away. Batman doesn't choose the side of good or evil. He's being something greater. He becomes what the city needs.
Originally, the hero of the city, however, with the introduction of the Joker and his concept of chaos, it utterly screws up the upcomming future of Gotham City.
Thus, lives are lost on behalf of batman, despite him not actually pulling any triggers. (I never recall him firing a gun. Disarming and taking them apart, yes.)
Batman upholds the idealistic good, saving everything he can without a lost of life. For those of us who understand, we know how difficult that is. This was thrown into the face of Batman, when he had confronted the Joker at the end, mentioning that just saving the lives as you can't won't cut it, especially when The Joker as a "evil" catalyst comes about.
So Batman can no longer stand in the light. He can no longer be the Shining Knight in Amour(it looks funny, maybe i spelt it wrong).
What Batman is to be, is to be something greater than just a Hero who saves the lives. He has to be the "catalyst" to make Gotham City the city that is brighter, optimistic, and living the ideal life. He no longer is able to stand on the side of justice. He will do what has to be done. Staying true to his values and beliefs. He will be whatever it is required of him. And, at the end, this notes to The Dark Knight, as he takes the fall for the killing of an "up-comming hero" of Gotham, which is ironic to us, but not so for the 'players' of the movie.
The 'baggage' of being such a catalyst, is that you have to remove yourself from the perspective of both sides. You'll have to be outside the box. You have to see the things that those are blinded to are. There aren't that many these kinds of people. But even if they were, you wouldn't know about them. Simply because you're NOT suppose to know about them. This plays the basic quote "Ignorance is Bliss. Knowledge is Power." and "What you don't know can't hurt you."
What i want to ask you, is two things.
Do you think you can be such a person? To not care whether how people see you, but that you will do what is needed to achieve the outcome for the greater good(or bad if you want 6_6 )
Second. Whats your definition of a super hero ^_^
Anyways, take care guys.
Over and out.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
HK Day 12: Tea.
Before i go into my normal posting, i'd like to apologise to the people who accessed my photo bucket link to only get a password. I was not aware of this until a friend notified me. I have now set the password. It is "InfiniteRealm" without quotations. It is also case sensitive. Once again my apologies, and many thanks to SiauKia, or recently known as Noogie.
Since now you can access all my uploaded photos, i'll begin today'
s lil adventures.
If you recall from yesterday's post, i had mentioned that the teaware house and the visual arts gallery was closed. Today it was open. Hence. I ventured forth. Once again to Admiralty Station.
Knowing my around (well enough), i quickly entered the tea house. It not only had the different tea wares, it also talked about the history of tea, and the methods to brew them. Via the wisk method, or the seeping method, even the most famous gongfu (thats how you spell it i believe from memory>_< !).
After that, i visited the K.S Lo Gallery, which had some other ceramics and many stamps from ancient times.
Sorry to inform you, but this place also requested no photographing.

AFter that, i decided to venture forth to the visual arts centre.
I wasn't too sure what it was about, but after going through its short and breif gallery i figured it out. Its a centre where you can learn some visual art skills like painting or scultping. The gallery, might've been small but you can feel that the people did put their effort in them, even if they weren't as flash as professionals.
After that, i went back to the downstairs of K.S Lo Gallery, as it had a tea house. I decided to try it out and take my time enjoying it.
Despite the slow pace, and small amount of food variety, i had quite an enjoyable time, especially pouring the tea. I didn't feel like photographing the food, but the dessert looked nice.

I even spent there long enough to need a new tray, as my original one got filled up with water.

After that, i went out with my cousin and his friends again at Mong Kok to buy some stuff. at Mong Kok, we had dinner. I also had this coffee milk tea drink. It also made me sleepy....

Anyways, thats about it.
So don't forget the password, and happy browsing through my pics ^_^
Since now you can access all my uploaded photos, i'll begin today'
s lil adventures.
If you recall from yesterday's post, i had mentioned that the teaware house and the visual arts gallery was closed. Today it was open. Hence. I ventured forth. Once again to Admiralty Station.
Knowing my around (well enough), i quickly entered the tea house. It not only had the different tea wares, it also talked about the history of tea, and the methods to brew them. Via the wisk method, or the seeping method, even the most famous gongfu (thats how you spell it i believe from memory
After that, i visited the K.S Lo Gallery, which had some other ceramics and many stamps from ancient times.
Sorry to inform you, but this place also requested no photographing.
AFter that, i decided to venture forth to the visual arts centre.
I wasn't too sure what it was about, but after going through its short and breif gallery i figured it out. Its a centre where you can learn some visual art skills like painting or scultping. The gallery, might've been small but you can feel that the people did put their effort in them, even if they weren't as flash as professionals.
After that, i went back to the downstairs of K.S Lo Gallery, as it had a tea house. I decided to try it out and take my time enjoying it.
Despite the slow pace, and small amount of food variety, i had quite an enjoyable time, especially pouring the tea. I didn't feel like photographing the food, but the dessert looked nice.
I even spent there long enough to need a new tray, as my original one got filled up with water.
After that, i went out with my cousin and his friends again at Mong Kok to buy some stuff. at Mong Kok, we had dinner. I also had this coffee milk tea drink. It also made me sleepy....
Anyways, thats about it.
So don't forget the password, and happy browsing through my pics ^_^
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day 11: HK
Today, i went to a new place.
Got off at Admiralty Station.
This station is across the river, onto Hong Kong Island
My original intention there was to go to the Teaware House Musuem.
However, i forgot to check when it was open, and today it was closed -_-
Nearby also was the Visual Art Musuem. That was ALSO closed 6_6
However, in that area was the Hong Kong Park, which consisted of Tai Chi Garden, Avairy, Consevatorium, and some lil water features.
Also, i found lots of turtles ^_^ and fish too.
Nearby there was also a few plazas, mostly high class or expensive stuff. Or many business related, however, my favourite building there was Lippo Center. It looks quite cool xD
I was also made aware that a Botannical Garen exists within the area, i'll be sure to visit it when i visit the Teahouse ware again when its open xD
I'm actually in a rush tonight, so i'll cut my post short, and whack on some more images xD
Sorry for those who were expecting some reading time.
Sidenote: You'll might recognise some of the background pictures, because right across the river is the Art Musuem and Culturla Arts musuem i visited a few days ago.
Lil surprises would be that even the Octupus card not only is used for public transport, and some restaurants (i used it to pay for some lunch and dinner before), but its now also used to buy movie tickets o_O
Anyways, i have to go now.
Have fun where-ever you are.
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