i'd like to tell you i finally bought the cool umbrellas that you can sling over your shoulder, however sinc ei'm going back to australia, i couldn't get the large size and had to settle for the mini ones. The shop that sells them sells only umbrellas o_O they even FIX umbrellas. I found that pretty cool, as i haven't seen an umbrella dedicated shop before. Also, for kicks, they have a Kumon here too. I wonder if its the same face though :/
Now, the main highlight was watching Batman: The Dark Knight.
I use to love batman when i was a kid, along with spiderman and superman. I think batman spurred my love of bats. That or i had like bats before i knew batman existed, but thats beside the point.
I had recall that me and my friends had talked about superheroes once and why batman didn't classify as a superhero. He has no superpowers. He's just a simple rich guy with lots of gadgetory.
I'm not sure how many batman fans or batman watchers there are viewing this blog. But you should recall that Bruce Wayne use to live in that biiigg giant castle or mansion, on the cliff. With a sleek looking car.
Hence, when the new batman came, i was highly dissapointed with the new powerful large-wheeled car. The car and bike still turns me off, however, what it gained instead was a little insight, i had either just picked up now, or just gave the opportunity to.
This leads to the title "The Dark Knight"
Knights are generally known as elite fighters of the past, those who have valor, honor and great skills and ride a horse. They are noblemen, and we usually assosciate Knights as the good half of society. Those who fight evil, and the invaders or barbarians. If only we know the truth, valor and chivalry aren't as simple as we place them to be. Their original meaning are so much more.
With the addition of Dark, it implies that this knight, this gallant fighter of high skills and bravado is fighting on the side of evil.
Which leads me to ponder this second installment of the batman series.
Batman always fights evil, so why is he known as a dark knight?
This answer is given to us at the end of the movie.
Along with a quote, "We either die as heroes or we live it till we become the villians". But the Police Commisioner (i already forgot his name) tells his son why Batman runs away. Batman doesn't choose the side of good or evil. He's being something greater. He becomes what the city needs.
Originally, the hero of the city, however, with the introduction of the Joker and his concept of chaos, it utterly screws up the upcomming future of Gotham City.
Thus, lives are lost on behalf of batman, despite him not actually pulling any triggers. (I never recall him firing a gun. Disarming and taking them apart, yes.)
Batman upholds the idealistic good, saving everything he can without a lost of life. For those of us who understand, we know how difficult that is. This was thrown into the face of Batman, when he had confronted the Joker at the end, mentioning that just saving the lives as you can't won't cut it, especially when The Joker as a "evil" catalyst comes about.
So Batman can no longer stand in the light. He can no longer be the Shining Knight in Amour(it looks funny, maybe i spelt it wrong).
What Batman is to be, is to be something greater than just a Hero who saves the lives. He has to be the "catalyst" to make Gotham City the city that is brighter, optimistic, and living the ideal life. He no longer is able to stand on the side of justice. He will do what has to be done. Staying true to his values and beliefs. He will be whatever it is required of him. And, at the end, this notes to The Dark Knight, as he takes the fall for the killing of an "up-comming hero" of Gotham, which is ironic to us, but not so for the 'players' of the movie.
The 'baggage' of being such a catalyst, is that you have to remove yourself from the perspective of both sides. You'll have to be outside the box. You have to see the things that those are blinded to are. There aren't that many these kinds of people. But even if they were, you wouldn't know about them. Simply because you're NOT suppose to know about them. This plays the basic quote "Ignorance is Bliss. Knowledge is Power." and "What you don't know can't hurt you."
What i want to ask you, is two things.
Do you think you can be such a person? To not care whether how people see you, but that you will do what is needed to achieve the outcome for the greater good(or bad if you want 6_6 )
Second. Whats your definition of a super hero ^_^
Anyways, take care guys.
Over and out.
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