Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 2 : HK

so it is my second day here now,
today it rained a LOT.
it pretty much rained all day non stop, heck its even raining now xD

though, with some relatives, i walked around HK a bit more, with all their super malls.
and MAN tehy're super. significantly larger than the ones in australia @_@
one of the most-plus things would be that, i had finally bought a digi cam!
woot ^___^

its a Nikon s52.
came with an extra 2 gigs, extra battery, and case.

since i just got home, the battery is now being charged.

aside from buying some clothes, and having thai for dinner.
the day wasn't bad, but i seriously have to take photos of how large and complex that shoping mall is. it was at Sha ting,
its probably wrong pronounciation, but i'll get it right eventually when i get my digi cam up and running xDDD

Aside from that i never knew that Maca's have deep fried chicken wings o_O
i was like 'wtf'? and tehy have sausage and egg mcmuffin available after 10.30 o_O

Anyways, i'm gonna go through my manual of my nikon, i've figured most things out through the testing, but hey, they'res always lil surprises.

Over and out


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