Friday, August 29, 2008

Fresh Food People

"We're Fresh Food People Because You Are"

Have any of you guys seen/heard of this quote?
It's Woolworth's latest ad campaign.

I find this as a kind of interesting ad.
This type of ad doesn't blatantly make its customers think its own products are such good. What this ad does, is it invokes the feeling that the consumer/customer is good itself, and thus, the store aligns itself to the customer.

Generally, Ads themselves make the customer's align to the store's way of thinking. But this doesn't.
It also plays an important part in australia's growing obesity epidemic. Like most western countries, the average person is getting fatter and fatter.

So what does wooly does? Uses this dilemma, plus its current catch phrase, to create an ad that goes with the time. A lot of parents worry about the weight of their children as well as all the GM Foods. Woolies also promotes the 'healty benefits' of a good life style, eating the right foods, fresh, unprocessed, and hey, who does that? We do, your friendly woolworthes supermarket chain.

I reckon its a nice play on them for the common populace, but this won't affect me, i prefere buying my vegies from asian super markets xD

But best of luck for them. Its a competitive world out there.

But have you seen any ads that perk your interests not because of their product, but how they're selling it?


my good news from my previous post has shattered.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm not dead....


As you might've noticed, it has been veeerryyy quiet here.
I'm mostly been busy and haven't had much time to blog anything of anime or thought-related matter.

I've even missed out on the potential postings of World Destruction, and MFrontier updates.

However, if all goes well i'll have something to blog about next week.

If they have any in stock..............

Till then, i can only wish i had a plane ticket to London.. *sigh*

Monday, August 4, 2008

Genius Party

So yes, i have been busy. Not to mention, aside from some anime i'll sometimes post, i have nothing absolutely good to post, been to busy to be on a blog rant mode.

However, i have been slowly watching my anime, while neglecting the less interesting ones *ahem*Amatsuki*ahem* However, what i'm blogging today is about "Genius Party"

Genius Party is apparently 7 short independant movies by Studio 4C. Each done by a different but renown director. However, i only have access to ep 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
1) Genius Party
2) Shanghai Dragon
4) Doorbell
6) Happy Machine
7) Baby Blue

Due to some stupid software error, snap shots have been lost.
1) Genius Party.
This one has no words or lines at all. It wasn't too bad.

2) Shanghai Dragon.
Hey, they speak mandarin o_O or could be shanghai-nese, but since i can recognize mandarin more than i can shanghai-nese, i conclude that it IS mandarin they are speaking and not actually shanghai ironically.
This one is fairly interesting in that humans have developed a device that convert thoughts into reality. A Thought Materialization System. Like the Lambda Drive in Full Metal Panic. Except, this one is severely more compact and seems to be more easily used with no scientific explanation to it at all. At least in FMP they mentioned that for the Lambda Drive to work, it required the pilot to be emitting some sort of alpha wave. In Shanghai Dragon, it just seems to be finally produced from somewhere in the future, where humans have relied heavily on biotechnology and seems to be currently in a war with AIs. Shall i mention that humans have lost the ability to reproduce? And it just so happens that the user of this 'crystal' is a lil 5 year old, nose drooping kid.
I find it amusing and lame at how the kid uses it. But hey, they're kids. I find it possibly unrealistic in that the droopy kid becomes the hero and seems to have matured. But hey, in dire situations, people to grow up in a short amount of time.

Another thought that passes through my mind in this anime is the idea of time travel. Accordingly to the 'humans' from the future, they're from a time that the earth is way way over there where there is no starlight confirmed from current location. Now, if you apply 4th Dimension concept as linear. It partially make sense. The universe is said to be constantly expanding. So naturally where we are now in the universe will not be the same in several thousand years. What i'm finding most curious is how the time travel actually occurred, i mean, they couldn't have just traveled in the direction earth was in the past. Perhaps traveling at light speed is the reason, or actually traveling beyond the 4th dimension, however in doing that, you'd somewhat have achieved an existance beyond the constraints of time and thus immortal. I doubt this is the real case with these guys. Despite having a cyborg body with pretty nifty methods to fight as a cyborg.
Enough about time travel for now, and the nifty fights between human cyborgs and AIs and the new Thought Materialization System controlled by a 5 year old from old shanghai. I dunno if this one is nifty of cheesy. Its got this cool background song when Sai was fighting some AIs with his cigar flying.

4) Doorbell.
my gosh o_o... this one had me a bit creeped at the end. It introduces this possible idea of either some sort of dopple ganger (currently this term is veerry loosily used), or alternate selfs all co-existing together at the same time. The clone concept. However, this apparently seems to be entirely unintentional. I could take 2 stances upon seeing short movie.
One would be that he defeats these persona's of himself that doesn't actually properly exist, or his conscious is floating between the several 'vessels'. This one requires a bit more thinking before i can construct anything proper. The other would be that earth suddenly (or japan) has a phenonem (yes i can't spell) that somehow produces an exact double of you without you knowing. Anyways, this one kinda wierded me out despite being fairly decent.

6) Happy Machine.
I guess this one falls into a similar category to the first one. Genius Party. And not that because there was no dialogue, it probably because of an entirely different world. However, this one was a whole cycle. The previous was just a linear thing.

7) Baby Blue.
Wow, this one seemed normal xD Very normal. Very sweet and nice.