Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Seasonal Lives

The Seasons of our Lives, by George Pan Koulouki.

This is an ebook that i was reading on and off. It dabbles into that our lives, like nature occurs in seasons. Like the earth has its summer, autumn, winter spring. Our lives also follow this pattern apparently.

He undergoes this theory by looking into the bibliographies of famous people and connects the dots to match the patterns. He even has took this little research into the common populace. Enough to convince him that this theory is true.

That in about every 16 to 18 years or so, our lives change in the perspective of happiness to sadness, good luck to bad luck. Of course, it doesn't drastically change from one to another, but like a sine curve, it peaks, then lowers then peaks then rises etc...

however just from that you can't be entirely convinced, so he also has found the other group, which work on the alternative.
Just like when the nothern hemisphere has its summer, the southern hemisphere has its winter. There are two lines of people just like that.

Its a fairly interesting read that i haven't actually finished due to my somewhat busy schedule and what not. But i do aim to finish it, as its got a summary of people's bibliography and what not.

This leads to do YOU think our lives are like that. Our bodies afterall come from here, so whats stopping it from following the same pattern?

Also, would you benefit from knowing that you're in a downslump in life, or a good ole high for the next few years in life?
That is if you can find which line you actually sit on.

None the less, an interesting read to pass the time. It also makes more use of my PDA xD
i feel a bit guilty in its low usage. but i can't use it to connect to my uniwide network -_-...

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