Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Semester 2

Well, holidays are over. and i've realised i haven't touched this at all o_o
sorry my negligence.

However, from then till now, i've mostly been workign and going out, and catching up on some anime.

Finished Tayutama and Chrome Shelled Regios and K-On, as well as Eden of the East.
The first 3 aren't worth mentioning much.
though i might do a bit of a review of Eden of the East. or at least my opinions and thoguhts on it after.

i've also picked up a few manga during the holidays, and once again, i dislike catching up to manga(fairy tale, medaka box, the world god only knows, d.gray-man, hayate no combat butler, negima, beautypop, aiki, etc... ). it becomes so depressing ~_~

Sidenote: There was a solar eclipse today, viewable from China and the pacific ocean. I want to see one one day :(

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